Study Data on Psilocybin and Treatment for Migraine: Heads UP–Episode 81

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[fusion_dropcap color="" boxed="yes" boxed_radius="50%" class="" id=""]R[/fusion_dropcap]esearchers out of Yale just published a small study on the use of psilocybin in a group of patients with migraine. Survey data and anecdotal reports have previously shown psilocybin to be helpful in cluster headache. Why might it be helpful in treating migraine disease and cluster headache? What are the scientific, molecular, and legal reasons that it is controversial and difficult to study? In Episode 81 of Heads UP, Dr. Tim Smith and Dr. Lindsay Weitzel discuss the details.

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Resolutions and Goal Setting: Heads UP–Episode 82


Disability Benefits and Headache Disorders: Heads UP–Episode 80